“OA“ is an animation shortfilm, pre-selected at Goya’s 2016 Awards. Winner at “Mundos Digitales” Festival, and its original Soundtrack was selected at FIMUCINEMA 2016. 2015. Jaime Maestro/Primer Frame.
“I AM LIFE“ by Mikel Camara is a video project in which the photographer sought to capture his vision of life as a process of birth, death and rebirth. Recorded at Eastwood Scoring Stage, Warner Bros., with the Hollywood Studio Symphony. 2013.
“A LA VILLE DE” Multimedia in wich photographer Eugeni Gay thinks about the touristic crowd in Barcelona and its evolution from its selection as Olimpic City in 92’s Olimpic Games. 2017.
“VLADIMIRA” Multimedia project by Raúl Moreno about the life of Vladimira, an Ucranian woman with drug addiction problems. 2017.
“TARDE PARA MIRAR ATRÁS“ is a work by photographer Antonio Segura León, scholarship at the XIV Photography and Photo-Press Seminar, Albarracín. 2014
“A LA HORA. EN EL LUGAR.” Multimedia wich condenses Eduardo Nave‘s work-proccess for taking the pictures of his book “A la hora, en el lugar”. 2013
“TOC TOC”. A spanish comedy short film by María Albert and Jose Vicente García Herrero. Co-composer. 2013
Here it is the trailer:
“DESCENSO.” Poject by Pablo Chacón about a very serious problem in Spain. 2013
“OJOS DE SOÑADOR“ is a film by Jose Vicente García Herrero recreated in the late nineteenth century that relates, in a poetical way, the meeting between a woman and her childhood through a strange and repetitive dream. Recorded with the Lliria Conservatory Orchestra. 2004
Opening credits: