David Antolín (Valencia, 1974) studied piano and harmony at Valencia’s Conservatory (1984/2000), finishing his piano degree under the great pianist and musicologist Luca Chiantore (1998/2000).
As a composer he started his education with the Karlsruhe opera’s conductor Mr. J. Mª Cervera Collado and also with Mr. Cristóbal Soler (conductor of La Zarzuela’s Theater 2010-2015). But the training that most impregnated him was the acquired under the teachings of the great Romanian composer and director Marian Didu.
He studied jazz harmony and composition with Daniel Flors, while also attended to other jazz seminars with John Salmon, Ramón Cardo, Joan Soler, Santi Navalón and Pat Metheny.
He also deepened the study of contemporary music with César Cano as well as in courses taught by John Kenny, Reiner Bischof and Carles Guinovart.
He began his training as a composer for image in seminars and workshops with Raymond Andrés (Belgian Radio Television), Luis Ivars, Eva Gancedo and Roque Baños.
After 14 years combining his teaching as a music teacher in Primary School with his training and career as a composer for image, David Antolín was chosen and awarded with an alumni scholarship to enter the first edition of Berklee’s College of Music Master in Scoring for Film, Television and Videogames (2012 to 2013), obtaining the qualification of Summa Cum Laude, and where he studied with renowned film composers as Laura Karpman, Mason Daring, Alfons Conde, Zacarías M. de la Riva, Javier Navarrete, Nora Kroll-Rosembaum, Peter Golub, Michael Sweet or Richard Jaques. Since then he devotes himself, full time, to his deepest passion: Scoring for Film, Multimedia and Performing Arts.
Among his numerous works some deserve special mention: his score for the multimedia “Normandie, Les Rivages du Débarquement” (2006) by Photographer Eduardo Nave, the soundtrack of “Dreamer Eyes” (2005) by director José Vicente García Herrero, the orchestral piece for the audiovisual project “I Am Life” (2013) by photographer Mikel Cámara, the concert work “The Weeping Willow” (2008) for Brass Quintet and Symphonic Band, his compositions for Áqaba Media, the suite of pieces for the dance performance “Moon Water” (2014) or the recent soundtrack of “OA” directed by the awarded director Jaime Maestro (2015).
David also teaches “Scoring for Film and Media” and “Orchestration” at Yamaha Music School Valencia.